Can Paddleboards Be Used for Long Distance Travel?

When you think of paddleboards, you probably think of them as simple recreational items that you take out to a body of water, use in a specific area, and then lug back to your vehicle after the end of the day. You probably don’t see them as viable transportation options.

Well, we’re here to talk about that, today. We think you’ll be surprised by just how much these unique vessels can be utilized outside of casual recreational fun.

Can You Travel Via Paddleboard?

The short answer to this is a resounding yes. Just like a skateboard, rollerblades, or anything like that on land, you can use a paddleboard to get up and down waterways as a legitimate transportation method. This can be useful in regions where tributaries, creeks, and other calm bodies of water without too much current connect homes, towns, and larger municipalities.

In fact, traveling via paddleboard, when it’s practical, is a great option. Not only is it free once you actually own a paddleboard, but it’s stellar exercise, and the longer trips you’re likely to go on can be a real boon for your overall health.

However, there are some things you need to consider before taking this route.

1: Water-Based Threats

First and foremost, if you’re recreationally paddleboarding, you’re probably doing it in a well-known spot where plenty of people are swimming or doing some other recreational activity. You usually won’t head out to a random creek or waterway and travel all the way down it to get somewhere new.

When you do that, you have to know what you’re getting yourself into.

For example, paddleboarding at a Florida beach is pretty safe. However, if you go into the Everglades and try to paddleboard from one end to the other, there are wild animals such as the alligators the state is known for, and they’re prevalent in those less recreation-based waters.

Even if you don’t have something as dramatic as alligators to worry about, there are still snakes and other threats in almost any body of water that isn’t constantly pounded by swimmers and other people.

Be careful.


2: Lack of Help

Once you leave a major waterway and travel along less-used paths, you’re at risk of getting lost or injured without anyone around to help. This adds a bit of danger to the prospect, and it should be something you’re prepared to handle yourself.

3: No Immediate Way Out

Let’s say you’re taking a fairly deep creek system from one town to the next and taking in the peaceful atmosphere. All of a sudden, it starts pouring down rain, and you need to get out of the water. You can very easily be far away from a roadway or something else where you can get someone’s attention and potentially take shelter.

Give a Shot; Just Stay Safe

When you buy a paddle board, you might want to try using it for something a bit more complicated than just a day at the beach. You can travel with it and go on reasonable tips. Just make sure to tell someone where you’ll be and practice every safety protocol possible.