Common Symptoms of Eyesight Problems

Deterioration in eyesight takes place over a period of time as we age. While some disorders are easier to detect in early stages, others can build up for quite some time before the symptoms become clear.

Six common symptoms of your eyesight getting worse are discussed here to raise awareness.

Floaters and Black Spots

Floaters are tiny dots or specks that float around your field of vision. They are not usually detectable in dim light, but people can notice them outdoors on a bright, sunny day or a room with bright lighting.

These spots in your vision are usually very small but they indicate a serious issue with your eyes, such as retinal detachment. If you also see light flashes as well as spots and they appear to grow in number or size, you should immediately consult a vision specialist.

Sudden Loss of Vision in One Eye

The blood vessels inside your eyes provide blood to the retina. Your retina is a layer of light-sensitive nerve cells which are triggered by light and forward any signals to the brain where an image is formed. The central part of the retina is called macula and any damage to this region can cause loss of vision.

If you suddenly lose vision in one eye temporarily, it is a clear sign of worsening eyesight. The cause could be age-related macular degeneration (AMD) which can affect people after the age of 40 and more prevalent in people who are older than 60.

Loss of vision in one eye should be taken seriously and you should get in touch with a specialist to get your eyes examined. A vision specialist at can help you in preventing the condition from becoming worse.

Blurred Vision

Concentrating on a screen or looking at some distant object for a long time causes slight blurring when you look away. This is normal and recovers within minutes.

However, if your vision becomes blurred for longer periods and with no reason it could be a sign that your eyesight is getting worse.

One way to prevent blurred vision is to take regular breaks from staring at screens for long periods of time. Also try focusing on objects different distances and blink often. If this doesn’t help, however, then the problem may be a little more serious. You could check this guide to keratoconus stages to see if you feel like this could be the problem but you absolutely should make an appointment with a medical professional. There are a lot of new methods to improve eyesight, so there may be no need to worry. Perhaps some people will be able to get eye surgery to improve their vision. Many people have had eye surgery before and many have left LASIK eye surgery reviews online too. Perhaps they’re worth reading.

Pain in Your Eyes

While most eye disorders are painless, certain conditions can cause pain in eyes and a sign of your eyesight becoming worse. Any unexplained pain, especially after a trauma or head injury, should be reported to your vision specialist.

You should get a detailed eye examination where your specialist will determine the cause of pain and recommend treatment options.

Night Vision Loss

The optical nerve cells that are used to carry images to your brain during the day are different from the ones used at night. Night blindness occurs due to deterioration of those particular nerve cells that detect dim light.

This is why some people who have perfect vision during the day have night blindness.

Color Blindness

Color blindness is not exactly a disease but a deficiency of vision. It occurs when problems with the photo receptors in the retina stop responding to the variable wavelengths of light and the affected person is no longer able to distinguish between different colors.

The deficiency only affects certain colors. Color blinded people may also be able to detect colors when an object is completely separated from the environment but have problems when colors are intertwined. An object with multicolor patterns may appear to be a single color to the affected person.

The deficiency is mostly inherited or occurs at birth. However some people develop it due to damage to the photoreceptors due to old age or injury.