How lack of sleep affects your health: 10 tips to sleep better

Sleep is a vital physiological need for the organism, during the rest processes of cell regeneration and recovery, memory consolidation, hormonal regulation, as well as other important physiological processes occur.

To consolidate a good rest period, your sleep time should last between 6 to 9 hours depending on the age and the tasks performed during the day. Below we discuss the importance of sleep and why you should focus on getting your 6-9 hours a day – every day!

How lack of sleep affects your health?

  • Increases the risk of obesity
  • Increases the risk of developing depression and anxiety
  • Reduces the effectiveness of the immune system, increasing the risk of colds and flu.
  • Causes hormonal imbalances, can alter the menstrual cycle and affect fertility
  • Increases cortisol release, this generates more physical stress. 

10 Tips to sleep better

1. Modify unhealthy habits

Daily habits affect the quality of sleep, what you do during the day can cause alterations in your rest periods. 

Alcohol and tobacco act as stimulators of the central nervous system, this not only hinders the reconciliation of sleep, it also alters the quality of sleep. Consuming these types of substances may cause you to interrupt sleep several times or they may keep you awake until dawn. 

2. Avoid the light before going to sleep

Physiologically the body is designed to produce melatonin (hormone to fall asleep) during the day and reduce it during the night so you can sleep, and light is the main stimulus for the production of melatonin.

Using the phone, tablets, computers and other devices at bedtime interrupts the circadian regulation of melatonin and the result is that you experience difficulty falling asleep, or do not even feel sleepy at all.

3. Exercise

Practicing exercise regularly helps reduce stress, it is an excellent alternative to create healthy rest habits, you don’t necessarily have to practice it at night. Most exercises help release endorphins and reduce stress so you can choose the activity you like best.

4. Optimal conditions

The room is the place of rest and should promote relaxation and tranquility, have a pleasant environment in which to sleep, a room with optimal conditions helps a healthy and restful sleep. You should also check how relaxed your mind is before sleep time. Because a restless mind cannot control the thoughts and makes it a lot difficult to settle for a good night’s sleep. You can consider taking cannabis products like white glue strain that can infuse a sense of complete ease and relaxation, and in turn, helps you sleep better.

5. Sound

You should be exposed to the least possible noise, ideally, only 20-30 decibels are perceived, in this range, it is guaranteed that the sound does not disturb the sleep. 

6. Temperature

It is unlikely that you sleep properly if you are in a hot or very cold room, so the proper temperature is 17 to 28 C depending on your climate. Usually you can fix this by choosing the right bedding instead of having to whack up the heating or the aircon. Many people find that silk bedding, such as 100% Mulberry Silk Bedding, helps to regulate their body temperature whilst they sleep. Silk is a natural material and therefore breathable, meaning you won’t feel too hot or too cold during the night.

7. Lighting

Ideally, the room where you sleep should be dark, without internal or external lighting, this will maintain adequate levels of melatonin, however, it is something that can be according to the preferences of each person.

8. Reduce caffeine consumption

Caffeine stimulates the brain, its energizing effect decreases the possibility of rest, it is recommended to consume coffee until 3 pm so as not to affect resting patterns.

9. Chamomile infusions

Chamomile has relaxing properties and taking it at night helps you fall asleep, has the ability to reduce anxiety levels and stress. 

10. Relaxing music to fall asleep

Music therapy can be effective in treating difficulty sleeping or creating rest habits since they promote changes in brain activity, there are playlists and CDs designed for it, including musical combinations that stimulate relaxation and meditation.