How Therapy Can Help You To Lose Weight

If you’re trying to get fit or lose some weight, it’s easy to think that it’s as simple as eating less and moving around more. Eating less and moving around more is how you get there, but those things aren’t as easy to do as you might suppose! So often, people try to eat less and do well for a while, only to eventually find themselves eating even more than they were before and feeling terrible about it in the process. Or they stick to a new exercise regimen for a while, only to miss a few sessions and never pick it up again.

Therapy can help you to identify why these things happen and help you to achieve your goals, and this guide will explore why this is the case.

Build better habits

Building good habits such as exercising regularly is something that takes a little thought and perseverance – it’s certainly not as easy as deciding to do something and then doggedly sticking at it whether you’re having a terrible time or not. In fact, that approach is likely to make you resent exercise, which makes it almost impossible to keep up long term.

A good therapist can help you to understand what is holding you back when you’re trying to develop new habits and why you’re finding it difficult. Once you understand that, you can start to work through the things that are stopping you, and you will find that it is much easier to keep a habit like exercising regularly going over a longer period of time.

If you want to create a habit, a good rule of thumb is to start so small that it’s impossible to say no, and then gradually build up over time. It’s also a great idea to have a plan in place for how you will get yourself back on track if you find yourself struggling.

Identifying triggers for overeating

Eating too much isn’t as simple as being greedy or about enjoying delicious food. For most people, if they are overeating, it’s because there is an emotional trigger behind it. Therapy can help you to identify these emotional triggers and find ways to cope with them besides eating. This will help you make more healthier choices when it comes to food.

Improving relationships

To successfully maintain a weight loss or exercise regimen, it’s important that you have a good relationship with yourself. That means exercising because you love yourself and want to look after yourself, rather than because you loathe yourself and how you look.

It can be helpful to take a look at the relationships you have with those closest to you. Your family can have a huge impact on your life. Therefore, seeing a family or relationship counselor can help to improve these relationships and find happiness as a result. This, in turn, can help you to lose weight. To find out more about family and relationship counseling, go to

Helps you to find fulfilment in your life

The job of a counselor is to help you to find happiness and fulfillment in your life, in whatever form that takes. Generally, if a person is happy and fulfilled, then they are much more likely to stick to an exercise regimen and want to eat healthily because the negative triggers for not doing so are no longer there.