Importance of Blood Pressure Monitoring

How Does Blood Pressure Work?

The force of blood on artery walls is called blood pressure. Each heartbeat forces blood to the rest of the body. Near the heart, the pressure is higher and away from it, lower. Blood moves from high pressure near the heart to low pressure away from the heart.

Blood pressure depends on many things, including how much blood the heart was pumping and the diameter of the arteries the blood is moving through. Generally, the more blood that’s pumped and the narrower the artery the higher the pressure is.

Blood pressure is measured as the heart contracts which is called systole and as it relaxes which is called diastole. Systolic blood pressure is measured when the heart ventricles contract. Diastolic blood pressure is measured when the heart ventricles relax. A systolic pressure of 115 millimetres of mercury is considered normal as is a diastolic pressure of 70.

Commonly this pressure would be stated as 115 over 70. A stressful situation can temporarily cause blood pressure to rise. If a person has a consistent blood pressure reading of 140 over 90, he would be evaluated for high blood pressure.

Two new studies provide that when people under the age of 40 develop high blood pressure, their risk of early heart disease and stroke goes up significantly. Normal blood pressure is important for proper blood circulation to the body’s organs and tissues. If left untreated, high blood pressure can damage important organs such as the brain and kidneys as well lead to a stroke.

Blood Pressure Monitoring is commonly used as a device for the measurement of both systolic and diastolic pressure values. This is utilised both for home and clinical use in providing information on how hard the heart has to work to adequately supply the body with blood. Using this device can help you to learn more about your blood pressure. However, buying and using a good home blood pressure monitor can seem confusing. It’s good to know that a lot of medical suppliers, such as Emech Medical Supplies, provide quality blood pressure monitors that help gather accurate data of your health status.

Importance of Blood Pressure Monitors

Prevention is better than cure. This saying only requires everyone to look after themselves better in order to prevent any form of illness or sudden death. In doing so, we are not only making the right decision for ourselves but also to those people who value us most.

When it comes to getting our medical stats right, it is good to know that blood pressure monitoring devices are now available in the market. This device has been known for helping people maintain a healthy life as it provides vital information about our body.

Blood pressure monitoring has two kinds: digital and aneroid.

Aneroid monitors are composed of a cuff that’s inflated by squeezing a rubber bulb, a dial gauge with a pointer, and a stethoscope. This is the type of monitor commonly used by doctors because they usually provide accurate data. However, this would not be the case if you have a hearing problem as this kind of monitor requires listening to the patient’s heartbeat through the stethoscope.

Aneroid monitors are utilised by inflating the cuff on the upper arm by squeezing the rubber bulb. This device is known to be unsuitable for patients suffering arthritis in their hands as manual dexterity is needed to use the rubber bulb.

Digital monitors, on the other hand, show your blood pressure as numbers on a small screen. They can either be a manual version with a cuff that inflates using a rubber bulb or as an automatic version with cuffs that inflates at the press of a button. There are some digital models now that have a memory capable of storing a record of your blood pressure over several months. Having a properly fitting cuff is a crucial thing about this type as poorly fitting cuffs may register false blood pressure data. Ask your doctor or nurse what cuff size you need if you are unsure. Cuff sizes include:

  • Small Adult Cuff – 8.7 to 10.2 inches
  • Adult Cuff – 10.6 to 13.4 inches:
  • Large Adult Cuff – 13.8 to 17.3 inches:
  • Adult thigh Cuff – 17.7 to 20.5 inches:


Regularly monitoring your blood pressure can help doctors diagnose a disease that can potentially damage vital organs such as the kidneys and the brain. It is one of the easiest ways to track whether your lifestyle is still proper for your health status. Beyond these benefits, consistent blood pressure monitoring also provides you with a sense of accountability to look after yourself and your loved ones better by maintaining a healthy way of life through proper diet and regular exercise.