Working Out From Home While You Work From Home: What Equipment Should I Get?

We are all working from home these days, but are you working out from home?

For many people, the lockdown has been a time of sitting still, ditching regular routine, and adapting bad habits. We’ve stopped getting regular exercise, haven’t been able to get to the gym like usual, and spend a lot of time lazing on our couch or in bed.

For the most part, this activity (or lack thereof) is understandable). It has been a difficult time and we’ve had a lot of new anxiety to deal with along the way. It’s not a big deal if you gained a few pounds or have spent more time doing things to make you feel happy – and less stressed.

It does become an issue though, when you start being (and feeling unhealthy) and it takes a toll on your overall personal health. If you are beginning to feel low, sluggish, trapped, anxious, depressed, or a thousand other negative ways, then maybe it is time to take a look at your overall routine. After all, remote working is here to stay and it’s important to figure out a healthy routine that is sustainable and leads to positive results in your life. You may be spending all of your time in front of a computer which can be taxing on the body as well as the eyes, this is why it is important to buy some computer reading glasses along with doing a fitness routine so you are not hunched over and squinting at screens for the rest of your life. /p>

To start, I’d recommend getting back into your personal fitness and find a way to instill some workouts back into your routine, even if it is different than before and doesn’t involve you going to an actual gym. Set up a small area in your home and invest in some new equipment that can help you reach your goals and live a much more active lifestyle.

For people who don’t have a ton of room, I’d recommend you find equipment that doesn’t take up a ton of space and can be stored away. Consider resistance bands, small weights, and workouts that don’t require equipment at all. There’s a ton of options available.

For those people who have the luxury of creating a dedicated exercise space, then you should definitely invest in some equipment for yourself (if you can). By purchasing equipment, you are investing in your overall health and happiness and it can really take things to the next level. You don’t even need a ton of it, just a few machines that can impact your entire body and help build muscle. However, if you live in a warm climate it may be recommended to potentially consider having an air conditioning unit installed to possibly help keep the room at a comfortable temperature when working out. If you did decide to do this you could speak to an HVAC contractor or an airconditioning unit supplier to find out more about different types of options.

Personally, I have two machines that help me impact just about every inch of my body and leaves me feeling tired, accomplished, strong, and fulfilled. I do some other small workouts with basic weights and without any equipment at all, but the two main machines I own and recommend are:

(1) The Rowing Machine

The rowing machine has been my favorite machine for the last few years. It’s truly amazing! It targets just about every part of your body – from your arms, legs, chest, and abdominal area, and beyond. Just sit down, hold on, and away you go.

I actually find it quite enjoyable and I’ve connected it to some video workouts that take things to the next level. Start slow, get used to the settings that fit you, and make sure your form is correct to get the most out of this machine. What’s even better is the fact that is has helped me take up rowing and I’m that much farther ahead thanks to the time I’ve spent using this machine.

(2) The Elliptical Machine

The elliptical machine is another piece of equipment I’ve really grown to love over the last few years. It’s effectiveness is incredible and it can do so much for your body compared to traditional cardio machines like the treadmill or indoor bike.

Whether you’re still going to your local fitness centre or you’re inquiring about purchasing a cardio machine for your home, I highly recommend the elliptical machine because of how impactful it can be for your overall fitness goals!